





The Ruby/MaxL extension module allows Ruby programs to directly interact with Hyperion Essbase OLAP databases using Hyperion’s MaxL command language.  Ruby scripts utilizing this module are portable across both Unix and Win32 platforms.  Ruby/MaxL can also be combined with the Ruby/EssApi module (coming soon) to tap into the full Essbase API without having to write any C code.




Ruby is a powerful, yet easy to learn and use object-oriented programming language.  Benefits include:


·       It is open source software and under active development.

·       Cross-platform support.

·       Fully object-oriented with a clean, consistent syntax.

·       A rapidly growing library of extension modules.

·       Easy migration from Perl.

·       Extensive text processing capabilities.


You can find more information, the Ruby source code, extension modules, and links to other information at and on RubyForge.


An excellent ‘getting started’ and Ruby reference book, Programming Ruby, can be viewed online, or purchased from an online bookseller or your local bookstore.  Several other good Ruby books are also currently available.




Ruby/MaxL was created by Jon Israelson and is released under the BSD license.



Supported Platforms


Ruby/MaxL has been built and tested on the following platforms:


§       Microsoft Windows NT/2000

o      Essbase 6.1 and 6.2 (Ruby/MaxL release 1.0)

o      Essbase 6.5 (Ruby/MaxL release 1.5)

o      Essbase 7.1 (Ruby/MaxL release 7.1)

o      Ruby 1.6.5 or higher

o      Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0

§       Sun Solaris 2.8 (SPARC)

o      Essbase 6.1 and higher

o      Ruby 1.6.5 or higher

o      Compiled with GCC 2.95.3 and Sun Forte C 6.0


This module should work on IBM AIX and HP-UX platforms, but has not been built or tested on either of them.




The latest source code and binaries of this module can always be downloaded from this project’s site on SourceForge.  To date, there have been two major releases of this module:


·       Rel 1.0.0 – Initial module release.  Supports Essbase versions 6.1 and 6.2.

·       Rel 1.5.0 – Added support for Essbase versions 6.5 and higher (but is not backward compatible with Essbase 6.1 or 6.2 due to changes to the MaxL C API).

·       Rel 7.1.0 – Added build support for Essbase versions 7.1 and higher.


Build & Installation Instructions


Technical Reference


Sample Scripts


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