& Installation Instructions
recommended method for installing Ruby/MaxL is to build the module from source
code. This ensures that module properly
matches your environment. If this is not
feasible, pre-built binary versions of this module can be downloaded from the SourceForge project site.
Microsoft Windows platforms
1. Download, compile, and
install the MSWIN32 version of Ruby 1.8.1 or higher. Ruby must be compiled with Microsoft Visual
C++. A binary version of Ruby for the
Win32 platform can be downloaded from RubyForge.
2. Install the Hyperion Essbase
API version 7.1 or higher and make sure that it is in the system path (this documents assumes it is installed in c:\Hyperion\Essbase\api).
3. Download and unzip the
Ruby/MaxL source code into a temporary directory.
4. From a command line in the
Ruby/MaxL source directory, run:
ruby extconf.rb --with-essbase-dir=c:\Hyperion\Essbase\api
5. From a command line in the
Ruby/Maxl source directory, run:
nmake site-install
1. Download, compile, and
install Ruby 1.8.1 or higher. Ruby and
this extension can be compiled with GCC or Sun’s Forte C compiler. A binary version of Ruby for SPARC Solaris
can be downloaded from
2. Install Essbase API version
7.1 or higher and make sure that it is in the system path.
3. Download and unzip the
Ruby/MaxL source code.
4. From a command line in the
Ruby/MaxL source directory, run:
ruby extconf.rb --with-essbase-dir=$ARBORPATH/api
5. From a command line in the
Ruby/Maxl source directory, run:
make site-install
Depending on where Ruby is installed, you may need root privileges.
Microsoft Windows platforms
1. Download, compile, and
install the MSWIN32 version of Ruby 1.8.1 or higher. Ruby must be compiled with Microsoft Visual
C++. A binary version of Ruby for the
Win32 platform can be downloaded from RubyForge. (This document assumes that Ruby is installed
in c:\ruby)
2. Install the Hyperion Essbase
API version 6.1 or higher and make sure that it is in the system path.
3. Download and unzip the
Ruby/MaxL binary into a temporary directory.
4. Move the file to the directory C:\ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.8\i386-msvcrt.
build.html,v 1.2 2002/07/20
05:04:59 jai89 Exp $